At Fasset we understand that time is precious and how important it is that employees take some time off from work in order to maintain a healthy well-being. By doing so, they can return to work with replenished enthusiasm and energy, which leads to higher productivity. We therefore provide different types of leave which can be availed as per the respective guidelines.
Annual Leave
The Annual Leave calendar year for the purpose of the calculation of leave will run from January 1 to Dec 31.
• Employees will be eligible to annual leave only after completing probationary period of 6 months
Blocks of 2 weeks
• Annual Leave plans should be prepared through coordination between the employee and Line Managers. All employees should apply for their annual leave 15 calendar days in advance. All Heads of Departments will need to approve the leave requests, along with the People Team.
• Employees who join the company during the course of the year will be entitled for Annual Leave on a pro-rata basis.
• Due to our unlimited leave policy, we don’t allow employees to carry forward leave into the following year.
• Weekly off and public holidays occurring during annual leave are not counted as part of annual leave.
• Employees provided with a company phone from Fasset should return the phone to Fasset during vacation.
• Sick leave during the annual leave is not permitted except for pre approved hospital admission for surgery or medical treatment. In such exceptions, employees should discuss such cases in advance with their Manager and the People Team.
• Annual leave shall not be extended by attaching any other type of leave unless it is an emergency and approved by the management.
• Any employee who resigns during probation period will not be entitled for annual leave, and if he /she resigns after the completion of the probation period but before completing one year, then he / she will be entitled for annual leave on pro rata basis.
Policy Note: Annual Leave encashment will not be given to any employee.
Maternity Leave and Baby Nursing Time
Female employees are granted maternity leave as specified below, if the local labour law is more favorable than th below then the employee may opt for that policy.
• 45 Calendar Days with full pay if the service is more than one year
• 45 Calendar Days with half pay or 22.5 Calendar Days with full pay if the service is less than one year
• During the 18 months following the delivery, female employees are given one hour per day either by coming late or leaving early for the purpose of feeding and caring for the child upon obtaining the approval from Department Head.
• 45 calendar days include the duration of pre and post-delivery.
• After the maternity leave, a female employee may be allowed leave without pay for a period not exceeding 100 days if she is sick under the condition of getting a certificate from a doctor from approved medical authority
• In continuation to maternity leave, female employees can avail annual leave if there
Medical / Sick Leave
If an employee falls sick and requires sick leave, you should Line Manager within 24 hours of becoming sick, if not prevented by a forced situation, and give an estimation of how long you will be absent from work due to sickness. Failure to do so without a forced situation will lead to deducting the same days from the employee annual leave.
The ill employee is required, upon return from Sick Leave to submit a medical certificate to the People Department, this is only when the leave is more than three (3) days. Sick Leave cannot be carried forward.
All employees are entitled to sick leave as follows (the days vary per region and all local labour laws are applicable)
• First, 15 Days with full pay
• Next, 30 Days with half pay
• Thereafter, 30 Days without pay
• Sick leave with pay will be allowed only after six months of service and the same should be substantiated with a medical certificate.
• For more than four (4) occasions in a year, sick leave for 1 day will not be permitted without medical certificate
• An employee availing sick leave should intimate the concerned Head of Department before the end of the working day and subsequently the medical certificate should be submitted.
Bereavement Leave
For employees who suffer death of a first degree family member, Fasset provides for bereavement leave with full pay as specified below:
If no travel is required and the death occurs within the UAE, 3 working days shall be given.
If death occurs outside the UAE and travel is required, 5 working days are given
Fasset will pay the airfare for the employee to travel to the home country only in the event of death of spouse (wife or husband).
In the event of death of an employee, Fasset will pay the expenses for sending the body back to country of origin and also for the person escorting the body (roundtrip economy).
For employees who suffer death of second degree family members, than 1 day shall be granted with full pay. Second degree family members include: uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandparents, and grandchildren.
No Bereavement Leave is granted or can be substituted for days while on leave of absence for any other reason, including maternity leave.
Employees can substitute Bereavement Leave for the approved number of annual leave days if a death in the family occurs while on annual leave. Rescheduling substituted annual leave days depends on operational requirements and must be approved by the HOD.
The employee must inform Fasset the name and relationship of the deceased and Fasset has the right to request documentation confirming death (e.g. copy of death certificate).
Employees are eligible for Bereavement Leave in respect of the following first degree family members:
• Spouse (wife or husband);
• Parent (mother or father);
• Spouse’s Parents (mother-in-law, father-in-law);
• Sibling (sister or brother);
• Child (daughter or son)
Marriage Leave
Unmarried Employees who have completed 1 year of service are entitled to paid marriage leave of two working days on the occasion of their marriage once during the employee’s tenure of service. These 2 days of marriage leave must be taken immediately before or after marriage and must include the date of marriage.
Paternity Leave
On the birth of their children, all male employees who have completed 6 months of service are eligible to take 5 days as paternity leave.
Haj Leave
• Muslim employees are eligible to take 7 working days Pilgrimage Leave with pay after completion of
• One year of service. This leave is provided only for performing Haj during the designated period.
• An employee will be allowed to take Haj Leave only once during his tenure of service with Fasset.
• Haj leave must be approved by the HOD. The employee must attach, to the leave request form, the certificate of Haj from the caravan leader. Upon return to work, he/she must also provide confirmation of the Haj journey. Without verification all leave times will be charged as annual leave.
• HODs should consider staffing needs and employees seniority when deciding which employees are eligible for leave during each year.
• No travel benefits will be given for this leave.
Unpaid Leave
• With the approval of the Department Head, an employee will be permitted to benefit of 30 days maximum leave without pay for any emerging reasons. Duration of such leave will not be included for the purpose of End-of-Service benefits, Bonus calculation, etc.
• During unpaid leave, the intervening weekly rest days and public holidays will be treated as part of the leave without salary period
Public Holidays
Employees of Fasset are entitled for all national or religious holidays declared by the UAE Government.
The actual days on which the Official Holidays fall are subject to confirmation from the UAE Government. Confirmation of the dates will be sent out to the employees by the People Department once they are confirmed.